“And Then There Were None” Reading Notes
Summary # The book was the execution of ten people, carried out on an isolated island. Ten people of very different backgrounds were invited, by various ruses, to come on to the island.
“Pride and Prejudice” Reading Notes: Highlights and Annotations
Summary of Pride and Prejudice ## A young intelligent woman, Elizabeth, had a tendency to judge people quickly. Based on impressions and gossips, she deemed Mr.
Reading Notes on “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”
An Overall Review ## Tom Sawyer is a kid living in a small town, under the caring of his aunt.
Exceptional Control Flow
Reading Notes on CSAPP
Code Optimizations
An example: Transpose
for i in rows for j in cols b[i][j] = a[j][i]However, it might be the case that we do not know the size at compilation time, so we cannot statically declare this 2D array.
Fractal # naming: fractional dimension
Definition: ## self-similar $$\to$ when zoomed in, look the same
Types: ## Exactly self-similar Statistically self-similar Exactly Self-similar ## If zoomed in, there is no way to tell that we have zoomed in.
Production of Sentences and Properties of Languages: Parsing Techniques Notes (2)
some notes on Parsing Techniques A Practical Guide
Generative Grammar and Four Types of Grammars: Parsing Techniques Notes (1)
some notes on Parsing Techniques A Practical Guide